Vanguard Endocrinology is an educational program offering a new and cutting-edge perspective on addressing the hormonal relationship to chronic disease.  This program will focus on hormones as the major chemical messengers that communicate to various systems, including the endocrine system.

Practitioners will learn integrative clinical strategies for addressing both the symptoms and the underlying cause of hormonally related chronic diseases from one of the foremost opinion leaders on the subject of hormones.

Dr. Warshowsky is a pioneer in hormone therapies with over 30 years experience in medicine and gynecology.  His integrative office is located in Rye, NY at 150 Purchase Street.  More information can be found about Dr. Warshowsky on his website or at his office number 914-967-1630.

Please join Dr. Warshowsky for this 12 hour certificate training program in Vanguard Endocrinology held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel at 42nd Street in New York City from 2:00 to 5:30 PM. Lunch is not included but beverages and protein shakes will be provided.  You can attend any amount of modules you like.

The cost is $199 per module or $695 for all four.

The program is as follows:

Module 1:  Saturday September 24, 2011: Assessment:  Laboratory Evaluations of Hormone Imbalance and the 4R Gut Restoration Program.

Module 2:  Saturday, October 22, 1011:  The Chronic Stress Connection:  Adrenal and Thyroid Dysfunction

Module 3:  Saturday, November 19, 2011: Estrogen Dominance: Fibroids, Endometriosis and PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

Module 4:  Saturday, December 3, 2011:  Optimal Aging:  Menopause, Andropause, and HRT

Please contact the office if you are a practitioner interested in signing up.

Thank you.






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