Dr. Warshowsky works with women and men nationally (US) and internationally. Dr. Warshowsky will do a consult with patients either over the phone or through Skype if they live far away from New York or are in another country or are very ill. Please arrange that by calling the office.
A first appointment usually lasts about two hours. We ask patients to complete a New Patient Questionnaire and fax it to us at least 3 days prior to your visit so that Dr. Warshowsky can read about a patient’s health history first. If you have recent labwork (from the last 6 months) or surgical reports, you can send them to the office before your appointment. A conventional and holistic exam may be included. The patient and Dr. Warshowsky will decide what blood tests, if any, would be appropriate including such specialty tests as food allergy and a hormone panel. When all the blood results come back, there is a follow up appointment during which all the labs are explained and the patient receives a copy of the results.
For out of town patients and those who cannot come in for reasons of health or otherwise, a follow up appointment may be done through a phone appointment. A successful follow up appointment begins with the patient receiving copies of all of the lab tests and other items to be discussed, and our review together to discuss your wellness status or disease issues. Phone appointments are booked the same as regular in office appointments, and there is a charge for a follow up whether in person or on the phone.